In the long-ago days of Nutkinland, there was once a thread on Celebrity DMs. In that thread, we described various celebrity DMs running Monte Cook's Orc and Pie. One poster, Doomsdaisy, did it as Dr. Suess.

DM Seuss: Would you fight an orc for pie?

Krusk: I will not fight an orc for pie, I do not fight him, Krusk am I.

DM Seuss: Would you fight him in a cave? Would you fight him with a stave?

Krusk: I would not fight him in a cave, I would not fight him with a stave. I will not fight the orc for pie, I will not fight him, Krusk am I.

DM Seuss: Would you fight him with a troll, would you score a critical roll?

Krusk: I would not fight him with a troll, I would not score a critical roll, I would not fight him in a cave, I would not fight him with a stave.

DM Seuss: Would you fight him in a moat? Would you fight him on a goat?

Krusk: Not in a moat, not on a goat, not with a troll, no critical roll. I will not fight the orc for pie, I will not fight him, Krusk am I.

DM Seuss: Would you, could you, in a bar? Fight him, fight him, here he are!

Krusk: I would not, could not in a bar.

DM Seuss: You may fight him, before you sleep, you may fight him in a keep!

Krusk: I would not, could not in a keep. Not in a bar, you let me sleep! I will not fight the orc for pie, I will not fight him, Krusk am I!

DM Seuss: A mace, a mace, a mace, a magic mace! Could you would you for a magic mace?

Krusk: Not for a mace, not in a keep, not in a bar, just LET ME SLEEP! I will not fight the orc for pie, I will not fight him, Krusk Am I.

DM Seuss: Say! With a spell? Blast with a spell? Would you, could you with a spell?

Krusk: I would not could not with a spell.

DM Seuss: Would you, could you in extradimensional space?

Krusk: I would not, could not in extradimensional space, not with a spell, not for a mace. I will not fight this orc for pie, I will not fight him, Krusk Am I!

DM Seuss: Would you, could you for a gem?

Krusk: I would not, could not for a gem.

DM Seuss: Would you fight him with other men?

Krusk: I would not could not for a gem, I would not fight with other men. I will not fight this orc for pie, I will not fight him, Krusk am I.

DM Seuss: You may not fight them, so you say, just roll, just roll, and you may! Just roll, just roll, you may, I say!

Krusk: Bah! If you will let me be, I will fight them. You will see.
Say! I do like fighting orc for pie! I do. I'll fight him, Krusk am I!
I will fight him with other men.
And I will fight him for a gem.
And I will fight him in extradimensional space.
And with a spell.
And for a magic mace.
And in a keep.
And in a bar.
This is fun! Forget about sleep!
So I will fight him with a troll.
And I will make a critical roll.
And I will fight him on a goat.
And I will fight him in a moat.
And I will fight him in a cave.
And I will fight him with a stave.
I will fight, its blood I crave!
I do so like fighting orcs for pie! Thank you, thank you!
Krusk am I.

The original thread is here

though you leave the safety of Eric's Grandma here. IOW there may be profanity and such.
