Actress Hansika Motwani finally opened up with an Instagram post about her wedding with Sohail Kathuria. The actress put a check on rumors about her wedding by revealing pictures of Sohail’s dreamy wedding proposal at the Eiffel tower. Well, after learning about her confirmed wedding, the focus shifts to her pre-wedding festivities and venue, etc. But, in Hansika’s case, a wedding video is trending up.

The wedding video that is going viral is of Hansika’s fiance Sohail Kathuria and it was his first wedding. This video has Sohail Kathuria’s wedding festivities when he got married to a woman Rinky in Goa in 2016.

The major twist is that Hansika also attended the wedding and was also seen dancing in it. Hansika attended Sohail’s first wedding including the Roka ceremony, danced at the pool party, and even sangeet ceremony. The internet could not keep calm about this and started digging more.

Hansika and Sohail seem to be friends for a long time and the latter even attended Hansika’s brother’s wedding. Sohail runs an event management company with Hansika. After all, many actresses got into wedlock with divorced businessmen and actors earlier. This is not new or weird, but the video is making some noise for obvious reasons.

Hansika is reportedly getting married on December 4 at a destination wedding in Jaipur.
